Hands up if you’ve tried to download info from your bank, CRM or online app and it comes out an absolute mess!
It’s so frustrating when you’re trying to get some of your own data into Excel and it’s hard to make heads or tails of it.
The info is crucial for your small business, but the process gets thrown into the too hard basket.
It’s common for data to be downloaded as a CSV format (comma separated values) which dumps it all into one big messy column. Argh! You could spend hours separating it all out.
Well, there’s a way of cleaning it all up in less than 10 clicks!! Yup, no manual, line by line, pull your hair out, sorting. You can now spend more time using the info for analysis or decision-making instead.
Using the Text To Columns feature, you can split the info into separate columns based on a few clicks. There are lots of options to chose from to make the process as easy as possible.
Link to Formatting Numbers video: https://youtu.be/n20DDnZEMmg
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// V I D E O L I N K: https://youtu.be/n20DDnZEMmg
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// Brisbane, Australia
*** D I S C L A I M E R ***
The content is drawn from my experiences and opinions. Please seek specific advice from your accountant / professional advisor before implementing any changes in your business
#Business #Excel #TextToColumns #SplitColumns #SeparateColumns #CSV #Data