A really simple, step-by-step tutorial on creating a FREE QR code in Excel, that can be used in presentations, flyers, business cards, surveys and so much more.
You can choose the main colour and background or even match it to your brand colours.
Have you used a QR Code? If so, what did you use it on?
Leave me a comment below on what you found most useful
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Podcast | https://anchor.fm/profitablesmallbusines
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Website | www.theprofitablesmallbusiness.com
LinkedIn | www.linkedin.com/company/jitixaranigaconsultant
Facebook | www.facebook.com/jitixaranigaconsultant
Instagram | www.instagram.com/profitablesmallbusiness |@profitablesmallbusiness (new page)
// Brisbane, Australia
*** D I S C L A I M E R ***
The content is drawn from my experiences and opinions. Please seek specific advice from your accountant / professional advisor before implementing any changes in your business
#Business #Excel #QRCode #SmallBusiness #excel #microsoftexcel #TimeSavingTips #QuickTips #FreeQRCode #GenerateQRCodes #Learn #LearnExcel #ExcelTutorial