Learn the basics!
A simple way to learn how to ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY and DIVIDE in spreadsheets properly.
Learn how to use the SUM function to save time when adding up lots of numbers, even they are not all in one line.
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Podcast | https://anchor.fm/profitablesmallbusines
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Website | www.theprofitablesmallbusiness.com
LinkedIn | www.linkedin.com/company/jitixaranigaconsultant
Facebook | www.facebook.com/jitixaranigaconsultant
Instagram | www.instagram.com/profitablesmallbusiness |@profitablesmallbusiness (new page)
// Brisbane, Australia
*** D I S C L A I M E R ***
The content is drawn from my experiences and opinions. Please seek specific advice from your accountant / professional advisor before implementing any changes in your business
#Business #Excel #GoogleSheets #SmallBusiness #excel #microsoftexcel #TimeSavingTips #QuickTips #BasicCalculations #Calculations #Learn #LearnExcel #ExcelTutorial #Formulas #Spreadsheets