Hello and welcome to the very first episode from The Profitable Small Business.
Your to-do list can often seem so overwhelming that you don’t know where to start. The things you really want to achieve, to take your business forward, just get pushed to the back of the line.
Well, it really doesn’t have to be that way. There is a simple, easy way to get out of your own way.
In this episode, I talk about how simple business planning can help you build your successful business. I run through my 6 STEPS to get into the habit of planning for your small business and get in control of that wish list.
The key take away is to make planning as easy as possible so that you are more likely to take action and stay accountable for all that you want to achieve. Reducing that overwhelm and that “busy-ness” and be able to breathe again.
If you love this episode, please subscribe and tell all your small business mates!!
Thank you! I am so grateful to you for being here.
Watch this episode on YouTube:
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YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXy1WoRT8qpH2jUgmFwDVlA
Podcast | https://anchor.fm/profitablesmallbusines
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Website | www.theprofitablesmallbusiness.com
LinkedIn | www.linkedin.com/company/jitixaranigaconsultant
Facebook | www.facebook.com/jitixaranigaconsultant
Instagram | www.instagram.com/profitablesmallbusiness |@profitablesmallbusiness (new page)
// Brisbane, Australia
*** D I S C L A I M E R ***
The content is drawn from my experiences and opinions. Please seek specific advice from your accountant / professional advisor before implementing any changes in your business
#Business #BusinessPlanning #Goals